Online Petition zum Erhalt der Glasfachschule in Kamenický Šenov

Kamenicky Senov School of Glassmaking
Kamenicky Senov School of Glassmaking

Bitte unterzeichen Sie diese Online Petetion zum Erhalt der Glasfachschule in Kameniský Šenov. Der Schule droht die Schließung zum 1. April 2010.

Anbei das offizielle Gesuch von Amy Brabender, Co-director, Brabender Kameniský Šenov proposal International Glass Alliance und einige interessante Links zu Presseartikeln.


Petetion von Amy Brabender

Dear Sir/Madame:
This petition speaks on behalf of the global glass community who wish to present to you our collective sentiment regarding the vital position the Secondary Glassmaking School in Kameniský Šenov possesses to the global cultural heritage of all peoples of the world.
Czech glass is renowned throughout the world for its exceptional quality, craftsmanship, and artistic excellence. As the oldest school of glassmaking in the world, the Secondary School of Glassmaking in Kameniský Šenov represents a crucial and on-going chapter in the history of mankind’s engagement with glass. It is an invaluable cultural and artistic asset not only to the Czech Republic, but also to the global cultural heritage. This school’s long-standing traditions in teaching have produced many of the most prominent glass artists in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its contribution to the advancement of glass arts has influenced world trends in glass for centuries. Thus this institution is not merely a national treasure; it is a global heritage site and must be preserved and kept alive for future generations.
As artists, professors, curators, museum and university staff, scholars, gallery owners, and collectors, we are all benefactors of the school. As such, we are all responsible for its well-being and must work to protect and preserve its legacy. Let us join together in this endeavor! We, the international glass community, are prepared to share this responsibility of protecting and preserving the oldest glassmaking school in the world through a variety of educational, economic and program initiatives which we are eager to discuss with you. Enclosed is our petition of names of supporters. Closing the Secondary Glassmaking School of Kameniský Šenov would impoverish the world’s cultural heritage. There are creative solutions for the challenges facing the school. We look forward to working with you on this vital matter.

Amy Brabender,
Co-director, Brabender Kameniský Šenov proposal
International Glass Alliance